How To Soothe Tired Feet

How To Soothe Tired Feet

“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.” Leonardo da Vinci. All your body parts have responsibilities to fulfil, but the one that always has the heaviest burden to carry is your feet. They support your weight, keep your balance,...
Common Myths About Foot Health & Foot Care

Common Myths About Foot Health & Foot Care

Your foot’s health is essential to your overall health. Healthy feet are happy feet, and keeping your feet healthy is the best way to ensure that you avoid unnecessary health problems and conditions. However, there are many popular foot care myths which lead...
Top 5 Summer Foot Care Tips

Top 5 Summer Foot Care Tips

Summer is well on its way, with the weather getting warmer and the days getting longer. That means trips to the pool, hikes in the countryside and spending time in the great outdoors are all back on the calendar.  But it’s important not to neglect our feet this...