“The human foot is a masterpiece of engineering and a work of art.” Leonardo da Vinci.

All your body parts have responsibilities to fulfil, but the one that always has the heaviest burden to carry is your feet. They support your weight, keep your balance, and allow you to move anywhere and anytime.

And by the end of the day, after being on your feet and doing what you have to do, it is just proper to give your feet some much-needed TLC to soothe and relax them. You know that you need to prop up your feet on some cushions when you feel discomfort, weakness, or fatigue. But don’t make it a habit to wait until your feet are exhausted before you give them any attention.

Soothing Tired Feet Like A Pro

Sure enough, going for a foot spa and massage is an excellent way to pamper your feet, but only some have the luxury of time and money for an appointment. The good news is you can do plenty of things at home and even some tricks to soothe your feet and keep that bounce in your every step.

1. Give Your Feet A Break

Many people are guilty of overusing their feet, and you may be one of them. It may be because standing or being mobile for long hours is part of your work, or you live an extremely active lifestyle and rely on sleep to rest your feet.

Stop! Your feet deserve better, so give your feet regular and short breaks during the day. This can prevent strain on your feet. If you can afford to elevate your feet for five to ten minutes, go for it. Then, by the end of the day, do this again for 15–20 minutes.

2. Wear The Right Kind Of Shoes

When your shoes don’t fit right or don’t provide you with the necessary support, your feet get tired quicker, and it can result in foot pain. This is a simple solution to ensure that you have the right size of shoes and that your feet can breathe and not feel cramped.

This simple solution of having the right size and even using orthotic insoles in your shoes is already an intervention for tired feet.

3. Do Basic Stretching For Your Feet

Your feet are made up of muscles and tendons, which are essential to supporting your weight daily. Stretching your feet is one way to soothe tired feet, and here are some simple routines you can do.

  • Toe Stretches

Cross your leg over your other leg while sitting, and then grab your toes with your hands, stretching them back toward your shin. You can gently massage the arches of your feet using your other hand.

  • Toe Curls

Set a towel on the floor, then curl your toes and grip the fabric. Release the towel and repeat the process.

  • Toe Flex

Stand next to a vertical, hard surface like a wall, and set your feet shoulder-width apart. Use your hands to keep your balance, and flex your toes on one foot while pressing them against the wall. Keep it steady for five seconds, then set it flat on the floor. Do the same for the other foot.

4. Soak Your Feet In Warm Water

At the end of the day, there’s nothing more relaxing than soaking your feet in a rejuvenating foot bath. You can use warm water and your favourite essential oils, or add Epsom salt and let the water soothe the tiredness of your feet.

If you don’t have much time to pamper yourself with a foot soak, you can also use warm, wet towels and wrap them around your feet. It’s not as satisfying as soaking your feet, but it can still help you to relax and soothe your feet. 

5. Indulge In Some Foot Massage

There are many options that you can consider for this. Today, there are many electric foot massagers that you can purchase and use at home. You can also have someone massage your feet.

If you live alone, you can invest in a massage ball or foot roller, schedule an appointment at your favourite spa and massage centre, and get pampered with foot reflexology.

6. Try Heat Therapy

Heat and cold can soothe tired and achy feet, but heat is the better option, especially if your foot muscles are stiff and need relaxation. You can use the therapeutic heat from a heating pad or a heat therapy device like electric foot warmers or heated booties.

7. Use Ice For Your Feet

As mentioned, cold can also do wonders for your feet, especially if they are inflamed. And this effective method is simple because all you need is a plastic bag filled with ice, or you can also use a frozen water bottle. Wrap your feet in a cloth or towel, and then put your feet in a bucket or container of ice to reduce swelling and inflammation. You can also place your feet in a cold water bath. 

8. Choose Proper Footwear

Comfort should always be your top priority, and this also includes your choice of footwear. As much as possible, if you can minimise the use of shoes with heels that have more than 2.5 inches of height, the better because the height adds unsolicited pressure to your heels.

At the same time, flip-flops, ballet flats, and sneakers that don’t provide much-needed arch and heel support or shock absorption should also be avoided because these types of footwear can cause strain to the balls of your feet and heels.

9. Remember To Hydrate Your Feet

Applying lotion to your feet to moisturise and keep them hydrated is something that many people miss. After a good foot soak, apply a soothing and hydrating cream to your feet, but be careful not to put this between your toes as this can cause moisture to build up and lead to fungal infections. 

Ensuring your feet stay hydrated and moisturised is a great way to prevent dry skin and cracked heels. Once moisturised, put on your softest socks and kick back and relax. 

10. Invest In Some Compression Socks

Speaking of socks, wearing compression gear can also help with your feet’s blood circulation. A good pair can prevent water retention on your ankles and lower legs. And even if your feet feel tired, the socks can still support them and alleviate the throbbing pain. If you are new to compression socks, purchase the ones that provide light compression of 8 to 15 mmHg.

Final Thoughts

Taking care of your feet can be an easy and doable task. You show appreciation for your body part that takes you places by investing just a few minutes daily in pampering and giving it much-needed attention.

*This blog contains general information about medical conditions and is not advice. You must not rely upon the information in this blog as medical advice. Medical advice should always be sought from an appropriately qualified podiatrist such as ourselves.