Heel pain is a common problem that many people experience. Plantar fasciitis is one type of heel pain that occurs when the tissue on the bottom of your foot becomes inflamed. This can happen from running or standing for long periods on hard surfaces. It can also be caused by having tight calf muscles or an inherited arch structure that is not ideal.
People who suffer from plantar fasciitis often experience sharp pain and soreness in their feet. This pain is often worse first thing in the morning or after sitting for long periods. Some people may find relief by moving around or putting a heating pad on their foot, but the pain can return later in the day. Plantar fasciitis is common among runners, but it can also affect people who are overweight or have shoes with poor support.
If you’re struggling with plantar fasciitis, know that you’re not alone. This condition is quite common, and there are treatment options available. However, it’s always best to consult with a podiatrist for an accurate diagnosis and treatment plan. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do at home to help alleviate symptoms and prevent the condition from getting worse.
What to do if you have plantar fasciitis
Take the time to rest – If you want your body to heal quickly and effectively, you need to give it some rest. This means cutting back on physical activity and allowing your body the time it needs to recover. However, this doesn’t mean that you have to give up on exercise altogether. There are plenty of other activities you can do that won’t put a strain on your foot. Swimming and biking are two great options that will keep you active without causing further damage. So if you’re looking for a replacement for running-based exercise plans, consider these two alternatives. Your body will thank you for it!
R.I.C.E – If you’re looking for relief from inflammation and pain, consider cold therapy in the form of an ice pack. You can easily make your own ice pack at home by filling a ziplock bag halfway full with water and placing it in the freezer. Once the water begins to crystallize, take it out of the freezer and wrap it in a thin towel. Another option is to purchase an ice pack that fits perfectly in the arch of your foot.
Wear a night splint – One of the most effective ways to keep your foot strong, flexible and healthy, as well as help to ease the symptoms of plantar fasciitis, is to use a night splint. A simple and cost-effective device, a night splint keeps your foot firmly in place whilst you sleep, protecting it from further damage.
Visit a podiatrist – It’s essential to listen to your body, and if you’re experiencing foot pain regularly, it’s time to make an appointment with us. We’ll take a look at your individual situation and determine the best course of treatment. Please don’t suffer in silence, let us help you get back on your feet!
What to avoid if you have Plantar Fasciitis
Don’t just push through the pain – There are many possible causes of plantar fasciitis, but the most common is overuse or a change in activity level. If you are experiencing symptoms, it’s essential to talk to your podiatrist before making any changes to your routine. They can advise you on how to proceed so that it won’t make the pain worse. Rest, ice, and stretching are all recommended treatments and be sure to wear shoes that are appropriate for your activities.
Avoid being barefoot – If you suffer from plantar fasciitis, going barefoot in the house is not a good idea. Wearing shoes with comfortable soles and ample arch support can help prevent further damage to your feet. Walking without proper footwear can cause severe problems for your feet, knees, hips, and back, so investing in comfortable shoes today is important.
Don’t ignore your foot pain – It’s never a good idea to ignore foot pain. The longer you wait to seek treatment, the worse the pain will become and the longer it will take to recover. So don’t wait; get help as soon as you can.
*This blog contains general information about medical conditions and is not advice. You must not rely upon the information in this blog as medical advice. Medical advice should always be sought from an appropriately qualified podiatrist such as ourselves.