The days are getting shorter and it’s getting colder. The winter season is here which means our feet are being hidden away in shoes and socks. Winter is sometimes a difficult time for your feet. Being enclosed all the time means you might have some unnoticed problems.

Some winter foot care tips

Areas between the toes can become soaked with your own perspiration and the skin can turn white, rip and become sore. This can sometime be confused with athletes foot.

I usually suggest wiping surgical spirit (or even aftershave or perfume – it’s the alcohol content that helps here) between the toes regularly. This keeps the skin drier and prevents it ripping apart. If it stings when you wipe the spirit it could mean you have a tear in the skin. Don’t continue using the spirit if this happens. Bathe your foot in warm salty water for a few days, then try the spirit again.


Cut your toenails carefully – try not to cut your toenails too short. It’s easy to introduce an infection into the skin if you cut them too short and expose the nail bed – this can lead to a nasty ingrown toenail. Also avoid digging or scraping down the sides of the nail to remove any loose skin or sock fluff too. My mantra is if it’s not painful leave it alone!

Cold feet 

Keep your feet warm. I see LOTS of chilblains this time of the year. A chilblain is usually found on a bony part of your foot (on the tops or ends of your toes). They can be red or purple in colour and are usually sore. They are caused by warming up your feet quickly after they have been cold for a while. Please warm your feet GENTLY (not in hot water or sticking them on a radiator!)


The cold weather can also play havoc with your skin. If you suffer with dry flaky skin make sure you moisturise regularly – I suggest using a urea containing foot cream – CCS or Flexitol are great and available from most chemists.


Party feet. This advice is mainly for ladies… High heels and pointy toes are never good for feet. Wear them in moderation and follow the 20-80 rule – 20% in bad shoes and 80% in good shoes – you know the ones I mean – trainers and comfortable shoes. If your high heels hurt as soon as you put them on, don’t ignore the pain… change them!

More tips to follow…

In the meantime, if you have any foot issues do let me know or simply book here to make an appointment.

Keep Warm
